Chemistry around Us

Core Chemical Industries
  • Industrial
    • Monomers
    • Intemediaries
  • Agriculture
    • Fertlizers
    • Pesticides
  • Food Additives
    • Preservatives
    • Antioxidants and Acidity Regulators
    • Thickeners
    • Stabilizers
    • Emulsifiers
    • Colors
    • Flavors
    • Antibiotics
    • Glazing agents, gases
    • Sweeteners
    • Anti-caking agents
    • Anti-foaming agents
    • Food acids
    • Humectants
    • GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)
      • Caffeine
      • Sugar
      • Salt
  • Construction
    • Cement
    • Paints and Pigments
  • Automobile
    • Rubber
    • Plastic
  • Apparel
    • Synthetic Textile
  • Pharma
    • API
    • Base
    • Hospitals
      • Gas - O2, H2
  • Pulp n Paper
  • Cosmetics
  • Petroleum
    • Oil
    • Gas
      • Ethyl Mercaptan (aka Ethanethiol or the stench) - which gives strong odor of rotten cabbages to LPG
  • Cancer
    • Arsenic
    • Berrylium
    • Heavy Metal - to get vibrant colors
      • Lead
      • Mercury

N,N-DimethylBenzamide, C9H11NO: Odomos (12% w/w)

ε-Caprolactam, (C6H11NO)n: Nylon 6 or Polycaprolactam

Polyethylene or PE, (C2H4)n: Polythene, the most common plastic. Density: 0.88–0.96 g/cm3

Polypropylene or PP, (C3H6)n: packaging and labeling, textiles (e.g., ropes, thermal underwear and carpets), stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers. Density: 946 kg/m³

Polycarbonates or PC: Transparent glass slabs.

“1” signifies that the product is made out of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (beverage bottles, cups, other packaging, etc.)
“2” signifies high-density polyethylene (HDPE) (bottles, cups, milk jugs, etc.)
“3” signifies polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (pipes, siding, flooring, etc.)
“4” signifies low-density polyethylene (LDPE) (plastic bags, six-pack rings, tubing, etc.)
“5” signifies polypropylene (PP) (auto parts, industrial fibres, food containers, etc.)
“6” signifies polystyrene (PS) (plastic utensils, Styrofoam, cafeteria trays, etc.)
“7” signifies other plastics, such as acrylic, nylon, polycarbonate and polylactic acid (PLA).

Phosgene, COCl2: A colorless gas, in low concentrations its odor resembles freshly cut hay or grass. The chemical was named by combining the Greek words "phos" (meaning light) and "genesis" (birth); it does not mean it contains any phosphorus (cf. phosphine).


Carbonic Acid: Coca-cola/Aerated Drinks

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): Soft drink bottles.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE): Milk Jugs

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): Pipe, Non-food bottles

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE): plastic bags

Polypropylene: Dishware

Polystyrene: Desk accessories, cafeteria trays, plastic utensils, toys, video cassettes and cases, clamshell containers, packaging peanuts, and insulation board and other expanded polystyrene products (e.g., Styrofoam)

Polylactic acid or Bioplastic:

Thermoplastic—softens with heat
Thermosetting polymer—does not soften with heat

Formaldehyde, CH2O: It is a naturally occurring organic compound

Monosodium glutamate (MSG, also known as sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundant naturally occurring non-essential amino acids.[Manuf. 1] Monosodium glutamate is found naturally in tomatoes, cheese and other foods.

Cosmetics and pigments
iso-do-decane (cheaper alt are paraffin or mineral oil) 
propylene carbonate

Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste, appearance, or other qualities.

Additives are used for many purposes but the main uses are:

Food acids are added to make flavors "sharper", and also act as preservatives and antioxidants. Common food acids include vinegar, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, folic acid, fumaric acid, and lactic acid.
Acidity regulators
Acidity regulators are used to change or otherwise control the acidity and alkalinity of foods.
Anticaking agents
Anticaking agents keep powders such as milk powder from caking or sticking.
Antifoaming agents
Antifoaming agents reduce or prevent foaming in foods.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C act as preservatives by inhibiting the effects of oxygen on food, and can be beneficial to health.
Bulking agents
Bulking agents such as starch are additives that increase the bulk of a food without affecting its nutritional value.
Food coloring
Colorings are added to food to replace colors lost during preparation, or to make food look more attractive.
Color retention agents
In contrast to colorings, color retention agents are used to preserve a food's existing color.
Emulsifiers allow water and oils to remain mixed together in an emulsion, as in mayonnaise, ice cream, and homogenized milk.
Flavors are additives that give food a particular taste or smell, and may be derived from natural ingredients or created artificially.
Flavor enhancers
Flavor enhancers enhance a food's existing flavors. They may be extracted from natural sources (through distillation, solvent extraction, maceration, among other methods) or created artificially.
Flour treatment agents
Flour treatment agents are added to flour to improve its color or its use in baking.
Glazing agents
Glazing agents provide a shiny appearance or protective coating to foods.
Humectants prevent foods from drying out.
Tracer gas
Tracer gas allow for package integrity testing to prevent foods from being exposed to atmosphere, thus guaranteeing shelf life.
Preservatives prevent or inhibit spoilage of food due to fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms.
Stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, like agar or pectin (used in jam for example) give foods a firmer texture. While they are not true emulsifiers, they help to stabilize emulsions.
Sweeteners are added to foods for flavoring. Sweeteners other than sugar are added to keep the food energy (calories) low, or because they have beneficial effects for diabetes mellitus and tooth decay.
Thickeners are substances which, when added to the mixture, increase its viscosity without substantially modifying its other properties.
Caffeine and other GRAS (generally recognized as safe) additives such as sugar and salt are not required to go through the regulation process.

Alphabetical index of food additives
1,4-heptonolactone – food acid *
2-hydroxybiphenyl – preservative
Abietic acid –
Acacia vera –
Acacia –
Acesulfame potassium – artificial sweetener
Acesulfame –
Acetic acid – acidity regulator
Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Acetone[1] –
Acetylated distarch adipate – thickener, vegetable gum
Acetylated distarch phosphate – thickener, vegetable gum
Acetylated oxidised starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Acetylated starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Acid treated starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Adipic acid – food acid
Agar – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent
Alcohol –
Alfalfa –
Alginic acid – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Alitame – artificial sweetener
Alkaline treated starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Alkanet – color (red)
Allspice –
Allura red AC – color (FDA: FD&C Red #40)
Almond oil – used as a substitute for olive oil. Also used as an emollient.
Aluminium – color (silver)
Aluminium ammonium sulfate – mineral salt
Aluminium potassium sulfate – mineral salt
Aluminium silicate – anti-caking agent
Aluminium sodium sulfate – mineral salt
Aluminium sulfate – mineral salt
Amaranth – color (red) (FDA: [DELISTED] Red #2) Note that amaranth dye is unrelated to the amaranth plant
Amaranth oil – high in squalene and unsaturated fatty acids – used in food and cosmetic industries.
Amchur (mango powder) –
Ammonium acetate – preservative, acidity regulator
Ammonium adipates – acidity regulator
Ammonium alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Ammonium bicarbonate – mineral salt
Ammonium carbonate – mineral salt
Ammonium chloride – mineral salt
Ammonium ferric citrate – food acid
Ammonium fumarate – food acid
Ammonium hydroxide – mineral salt
Ammonium lactate – food acid
Ammonium malate – food acid
Ammonium phosphates – mineral salt
Ammonium phosphatides – emulsifier
Ammonium polyphosphates – anti-caking agent
Ammonium sulfate – mineral salt, improving agent
Amylases – flour treatment agent
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) –
Anise –
Annatto – color
Anthocyanins – color
Apricot oil – a cooking oil from certain cultivars.
Arabinogalactan – thickener, vegetable gum
Argan oil – a food oil from Morocco that has also attracted recent attention in Europe.
Argon – propellant
Rocket (Arugula) –
Asafoetida –
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – antioxidant (water-soluble)
Ascorbyl palmitate – antioxidant (fat soluble)
Ascorbyl stearate – antioxidant (fat soluble)
Aspartame – artificial sweetener
Aspartame-acesulfame salt – artificial sweetener
Astaxanthin – color
Avocado oil – used a substitute for olive oil. Also used in cosmetics and skin care products.
Azodicarbonamide – flour bleaching agent. Also used in the production of foamed plastics and the manufacture of gaskets. Banned as a food additive in Australia and Europe.
Azorubine – color (red) (FDA: Ext D&C Red #10)
Babassu oil – similar to, and used as a substitute for coconut oil.
Baking powder – leavening agent; includes acid and base
Baking soda – food base
Balm, lemon –
Balm oil –
Balsam of Peru – used in food and drink for flavoring
Barberry –
Barley flour –
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) –
Basil extract –
Bay leaves –
Beeswax – glazing agent
Beet red – color (red)
Beetroot red – color (red)
Ben oil – extracted from the seeds of the moringa oleifera. High in behenic acid. Extremely stable edible oil. Also suitable for biofuel.
Bentonite – anti-caking agent
Benzoic acid – preservative
Benzoyl peroxide – flour treatment agent
Berebere –
Bergamot – in Earl Grey tea
Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) – color
Beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid ethyl ester – color
Betanin – color (red)
Biphenyl – preservative
Bison grass (Hierochloe odorata) –
Bixin – color
Black 7984 – color (brown and black)
Black cardamom –
Black cumin –
Blackcurrant seed oil – used as a food supplement, because of high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Also used in cosmetics.
Black limes –
Pepper (black, white, and green) –
Black PN – color (brown and black)
Bleached starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Bolivian Coriander (Porophyllum ruderale) –
Bone phosphate – anti-caking agent
Borage (Borago officinalis) –
Borage seed oil – similar to blackcurrant seed oil – used primarily medicinally.
Borax –
Boric acid – preservative
Brilliant Black BN- color (brown and black)
Brilliant blue FCF – color (FDA: FD&C Blue #1)
Brilliant Scarlet 4R – color (FDA: Ext D&C Red #8)
Brominated vegetable oil – emulsifier, stabiliser
Brown FK – color (brown and black)
Bush tomato –
Butane – propellant
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) – antioxidant (fat soluble)
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) – antioxidant (fat soluble)
Cacao shell –
Cachou extract –
Cactus root extract –
Cadinene –
Caffeine – stimulant
Cajeput oil –
Calamus –
Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides – flavor enhancer
Calcium acetate – preservative, acidity regulator
Calcium alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Calcium ascorbate – antioxidant (water-soluble)
Calcium aluminosilicate (calcium aluminium silicate) – anti-caking agent
Calcium ascorbate (Vitamin C) –
Calcium benzoate – preservative
Calcium bisulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Calcium carbonates – color (white), anticaking agent, stabiliser
Calcium chloride – mineral salt
Calcium citrates – food acid, firming agent
Calcium diglutamate – flavor enhancer
Calcium disodium EDTA – preservative
Calcium ferrocyanide – anti-caking agent
Calcium formate – preservative
Calcium fumarate – food acid
Calcium gluconate – acidity regulator
Calcium guanylate – flavor enhancer
Calcium hydrogen sulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Calcium hydroxide – mineral salt
Calcium inosinate – flavor enhancer
Calcium lactate – food acid
Calcium lactobionate – stabilizer
Calcium malates – food acid
Calcium oxide – mineral salt
Calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B5) –
Calcium peroxide –
Calcium phosphates – mineral salt, anti-caking agent, firming agent
Calcium polyphosphates – anti-caking agent
Calcium propionate – preservative
Calcium salts of fatty acids – emulsifier, stabiliser, anti-caking agent
Calcium silicate – anti-caking agent
Calcium sorbate – preservative
Calcium stearoyl lactylate – emulsifier
Calcium sulfate – flour treatment agent, mineral salt, sequestrant, improving agent, firming agent
Calcium sulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Calcium tartrate – food acid, emulsifier
Camomile –
Candelilla wax – glazing agent
Candle nut –
Canola oil/Rapeseed oil – one of the most widely used cooking oils, from a (trademarked) cultivar of rapeseed
Canthaxanthin – color
Caper (Capparis spinosa) –
Caprylic acid - preservative
Capsanthin – color
Capsorubin – color
Carrageenan – A family of linear sulphated polysaccharides extracted from red seaweeds.
Caramel I (plain) – color (brown and black)
Caramel II (Caustic Sulfite process) – color (brown and black)
Caramel III (Ammonia process) – color (brown and black)
Caramel IV (Ammonia sulfite process) – color (brown and black)
Caraway –
Carbamide – flour treatment agent
Carbon black – color (brown and black)
Carbon dioxide – acidity regulator, propellant
Cardamom –
carmines – color (red)
Carmoisine – color (red) (FDA: Ext D&C Red #10)
Carnauba wax – glazing agent
Carob pod –
Carob pod oil/Algaroba oil – used medicinally
Carotenes – color
Alpha-carotene – color
Beta-carotene – color
Gamma-carotene – color
Carrageenan – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Carrot oil –
Cashew oil – somewhat comparable to olive oil. May have value for fighting dental cavities.[2]
Cassia –
Catechu extract –
Celery salt –
Celery seed –
Wheat germ oil – used as a food supplement, and for its "grainy" flavor. Also used medicinally. Highly unstable.
Chalk – color (white), anticaking agent, stabiliser
Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) –
Chicory –
Chicory Root Extract – High in Inulin
Chile pepper –
Chili powder –
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) –
Chlorine dioxide – flour treatment agent
Chlorine – flour treatment agent
Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins – color (green)
Chocolate Brown HT – color
Choline salts and esters – emulsifier
Chrysoine resorcinol – color (red)
Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) –
Sweet cicely (Myrrhis odorata) –
Cilantro (see Coriander) (Coriandrum sativum) –
Cinnamon –
Cinnamon oil – used for flavoring.
Citranaxanthin – color
Citric acid – food acid
Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Citrus red 2 – color (red)
Cloves –
Cochineal – color (red)
Coconut oil – a cooking oil, high in saturated fat – particularly used in baking and cosmetics.
Sage (Salvia officinalis) –
Copper complexes of chlorophylls – color (green)
Coriander –
Coriander seed oil – used medicinally. Also used as a flavoring agent in pharmaceutical and food industries.
Corn oil – one of the most common, and inexpensive cooking oils.
Corn syrup –
Cottonseed oil – a major food oil, often used in industrial food processing.
Cress –
Crocetin – color
Crocin – color
Crosslinked Sodium carboxymethylcellulose – emulsifier
Cryptoxanthin – color
Cumin –
Cumin oil/Black seed oil – used as a flavor, particularly in meat products. Also used in veterinary medicine.
Cupric sulfate – mineral salt
Curcumin – color (yellow and orange)
Curry powder –
Curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) –
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) –
Cyclamates – artificial sweetener
Cyclamic acid – artificial sweetener
beta-cyclodextrin – emulsifier
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus, C. flexuosus, and other species) –
Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca, T. diffusa) –
Dandelion leaf –
Dandelion Root –
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) –
Decanal dimethyl acetal –
Decanal –
Decanoic acid –
Dehydroacetic acid – preservative
Delta-tocopherol(synthetic) – antioxidant
Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)– medicinal
Dextrin roasted starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Diacetyltartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Dicalcium diphosphate – anti-caking agent
Dilauryl thiodipropionate – antioxidant
Dill seed –
Dill (Anethum graveolens) –
Dimethyl dicarbonate – preservative
Dimethylpolysiloxane – emulsifier, anti-caking agent
Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate – emulsifier
Diphenyl – preservative
Diphosphates – mineral salt, emulsifier
Dipotassium guanylate – flavor enhancer
Dipotassium inosinate – flavor enhancer
Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides – flavor enhancer
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate – antioxidant, preservative
Disodium guanylate – flavor enhancer
Disodium inosinate – flavor enhancer
Distarch phosphate – thickener, vegetable gum
Distearyl thiodipropionate – antioxidant
Dl-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic) – antioxidant
Dodecyl gallate – antioxidant
Echinacea –
EDTA – Antioxidant, Chelating Agent
Egg –
Egg yolk –
Egg white –
Elderberry –
Eleutherococcus senticosus –
Enzymatically hydrolyzed Carboxymethyl cellulose – emulsifier
Enzyme treated starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Epazote (Chenopodium ambrosioides) –
Epsom salts – mineral salt, acidity regulator, firming agent
Erythorbic acid – antioxidant
Erythrosine – color (red) (FDA: FD&C Red #3)
Erythritol – sweetener
Ethanol (alcohol) –
Ethoxyquin - antioxidant, preservative
Ethyl maltol – flavor enhancer
Ethyl methyl cellulose – thickener, vegetable gum, emulsifier
Ethylparaben (ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate) – preservative
Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid –
Evening primrose oil – used as a food supplement for its purported medicinal properties.
False flax oil – made of the seeds of Camelina sativa. Can be considered as a food or fuel oil.
Fantesk –
Farnesol –
Fast green FCF – color (FDA: FD&C Green #3)
Fat –
Flavoxanthin – color
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) –
Fenugreek –
Ferric ammonium citrate – food acid
Ferrous gluconate – color retention agent
Ferrous lactate –
Filé powder –
Five-spice powder (Chinese) –
Fo-ti-tieng –
Formaldehyde – preservative
Formic acid – preservative
Fructose –
Fumaric acid – acidity regulator
Folic acid – fortyfying agent
Galangal –
Galangal root –
Galbanum oil –
Gallic acid –
Gamma-tocopherol(synthetic) – antioxidant
Garam masala –
Garlic extract –
Garlic –
Garlic oil –
Gelatin/gelatine – Gelling agent, emulsifier
Gellan gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Ginger –
Ginger oil –
Ginger root –
Ginseng –
Glacial Acetic acid – preservative, acidity regulator
Glucitol –
Gluconate –
Glucono delta-lactone – acidity regulator
Glucose oxidase – antioxidant
Glucose syrup – sweetener
Glutamate –
Glutamic acid – flavor enhancer
Gluten –
Glycerin – humectant, sweetener
Glycerol –
Glycerol ester of wood rosin – emulsifier
Glyceryl distearate – emulsifier
Glyceryl monostearate – emulsifier
Glycine – flavor enhancer
Glyoxylic acid –
Gold – color (gold)
Grains of paradise –
Grape color extract –
Grape seed oil – suitable for cooking at high temperatures. Also used as a salad oil, and in cosmetics.
Green S – color (green)
Green tea –
Guanylic acid – flavor enhancer
Guar gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer
Guaranine –
Gum arabic / Gum acacia / E414 – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Gum guaicum – preservative
Haw bark –
Hazelnut oil – used for its flavor. Also used in skin care, because of its slight astringent nature.
Heliotropin –
Helium – propellant
Hemlock oil –
Hemp oil – a high quality food oil.
Heptyl p-hydroxybenzoate – preservative
Hesperidin –
Hexamine (hexamethylene tetramine) – preservative
Hexyl acetate –
High fructose corn syrup –
Horseradish –
Hydrochloric acid – acidity regulator
Hydroxypropyl cellulose – thickener, vegetable gum, emulsifier
Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate – thickener, vegetable gum
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – thickener, vegetable gum, emulsifier
Hydroxypropyl starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) –
Indanthrene blue RS – color (blue)
Indigo carmine – color (blue) (FDA: FD&C Blue #2)
Indigotine – color (blue) (FDA: FD&C Blue #2)
Indole –
Inosinate –
Inosinic acid – flavor enhancer
Inositol –
Insoluble fiber –
Intense sweeteners –
Inulin –
Invert sugar –
Invertase –
Iron ammonium citrate –
Iron –
Iron oxides and hydroxides – color
Isobutane – propellant
Isomalt – humectant
Isopropyl citrates – antioxidant, preservative
Jasmine –
Jamaican jerk spice –
Jasmine absolute –
Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) –
Juniper –
Juniper berry –
Juniper berry oil – used as a flavor. Also used medicinally, including traditional medicine.
Juniper extract –
Kaffir Lime Leaves (Citrus hystrix, C. papedia) –
Kaolin – anti-caking agent
Kapok seed oil, obtained from any of several related tree species, all referred to as "Kapok trees", for example: Ceiba pentandra, Bombax ceiba and Bombax costatum – used as an edible oil, and in soap production.[3][4]
Karaya gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Kelp –
Kokam –
Kola nut extract –
Konjac – thickener, vegetable gum
Konjac glucomannate – thickener, vegetable gum
Konjac gum – thickener, vegetable gum
L-cysteine – flour treatment agent
Lactic acid – acidity regulator, preservative, antioxidant
Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Lactitol – humectant
Lactose –
Lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propylene glycol – emulsifier
Larch gum –
Lard –
Latolrubine – color
Laurel berry –
Laurel leaf oil –
Lavender (Lavandula spp.) –
Lavender oil –
Lecithins – antioxidant, Emulsifier
Lecithin citrate – preservative
Lemon –
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) –
Lemon extract –
Lemon juice –
Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) –
Lemon oil –
Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora) –
Lemongrass Oil –
Leucine – flavor enhancer
Licorice –
Lipases – flavor enhancer
Lithol Rubine BK – color
Litholrubine – color
Locust bean gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Long pepper –
Lovage (Levisticum officinale) –
L(+)-Tartaric acid – food acid
Lutein – color
Lycopene – color
Lysine –
Lysozyme – preservative
Macadamia oil – used as an edible oil. Also used as a massage oil.
Mace –
Magnesium –
Magnesium carbonate – anti-caking agent, mineral salt
Magnesium chloride – mineral salt
Magnesium citrate – acidity regulator
Magnesium diglutamate – flavor enhancer
Magnesium hydroxide – mineral salt
Magnesium lactate – food acid
Magnesium oxide – anti-caking agent
Magnesium phosphates – mineral salt, anti-caking agent
Magnesium salts of fatty acids – emulsifier, stabiliser, anti-caking agent
Magnesium silicate – anti-caking agent
Magnesium stearate – emulsifier, stabiliser
Magnesium sulfate – mineral salt, acidity regulator, firming agent
Mahleb –
Malabathrum –
Malic acid – acidity regulator
Malt extract – flavor enhancer
Maltitol – humectant, stabiliser
Maltodextrin – carbohydrate sweetener
Maltol – flavor enhancer
Maltose –
Mandarin oil – leavening agent
Manganese –
Mannitol – humectant, anti-caking agent, sweetener
Margarine –
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) –
Mastic –
Meadowfoam seed oil – highly stable oil, with over 98% long-chain fatty acids. Competes with rapeseed oil for industrial applications.[5]
Mega-purple – a Kosher food additive made from grapes
Mentha arvensis oil/Mint oil, used in flavoring toothpastes, mouthwashes and pharmaceuticals, as well as in aromatherapy and other medicinal applications.[6]
Metatartaric acid – food acid, emulsifier
Methionine –
Methyl butyrate –
Methyl disulfide –
Methyl ethyl cellulose – thickener, vegetable gum, emulsifier
Methyl hexenoate –
Methyl isobutyrate –
Methylcellulose – thickener, emulsifier, vegetable gum
Methylparaben (methyl para-hydroxybenzoate) – preservative
Methyltheobromine –
Microcrystalline cellulose – anti-caking agent
Milk thistle (Silybum) –
Milk –
Mint (Mentha spp.) –
Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Modified starch –
Molasses extract –
Molybdenum –
Bergamot (Monarda didyma) –
Mono- and diglycerides of Fatty acids – emulsifier
Monoammonium glutamate – flavor enhancer
Monopotassium glutamate – flavor enhancer
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) – flavor enhancer
Monostarch phosphate – thickener, vegetable gum
Montanic acid esters – humectant
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) –
Mustard –
Mustard oil – (essential oil), containing a high percentage of allyl isothiocyanate or other isothiocyanates, depending on the species of mustard
Mustard oil (pressed) – used in India as a cooking oil. Also used as a massage oil.
Mustard plant –
Mustard seed –
Natamycin – preservative
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone – artificial sweetener
Niacin (vitamin B3) – color retention agent
nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) – color retention agent
Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) – color retention agent
Nigella (Kolanji, Black caraway) –
Nisin – preservative
Nitrogen – propellant
Nitrous oxide – propellant
Norbixin – color
Nordihydroguaiaretic acid - antioxidant. Banned as a food additive since the early 1960s.
Nutmeg –
Octyl gallate – antioxidant, preservative
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis et al.) –
Okra oil (Hibiscus seed oil) – from the seed of the Hibiscus esculentus. Composed predominantly of oleic and lanoleic acids.[7]
Oleomargarine –
Olive oil – used in cooking – cosmetics – soaps and as a fuel for traditional oil lamps
Orange GGN – color (orange)
Orange oil – like lemon oil – cold pressed rather than distilled. Consists of 90% d-Limonene. Used as a fragrance, in cleaning products and in flavoring foods.[8]
Orcein – color (red)
Orchil – color (red)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare, O. heracleoticum, and other species) –
Oregano oil – contains thymol and carvacrol
Orris root –
Orthophenyl phenol – preservative
Oxidised polyethylene wax – humectant
Oxidised starch – thickener, vegetable gum
Oxystearin – antioxidant, sequestrant
Palm oil – the most widely produced tropical oil. Also used to make biofuel.
Panax ginseng –
Panax quinquefolius –
Ponch phoran –
Pandan leaf –
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) –
Papain – A cysteine protease hydrolase enzyme present in papaya (Carica papaya) and mountain papaya (Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis).
Paprika red –
Paprika –
Paprika extract –
Paraffins – glazing agent
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) –
Patent blue V – color (blue)
Peanut oil/Ground nut oil – mild-flavored cooking oil.
Pecan oil – valued as a food oil, but requiring fresh pecans for good quality oil.[9]
Pectin – vegetable gum, emulsifier
Perilla seed oil – high in omega-3 fatty acids. Used as an edible oil, for medicinal purposes, in skin care products and as a drying oil.
Phosphated distarch phosphate – thickener, vegetable gum
Phosphoric acid – food acid
Phytic acid – preservative
Pigment Rubine – color
Pimaricin – preservative
Pine needle oil
Pine seed oil – an expensive food oil, used in salads and as a condiment.[10]
Pistachio oil – strongly flavored oil, particularly for use in salads.[11]
Prune kernel oil – marketed as a gourmet cooking oil[12]
Poly vinyl pyrrolidone –
Polydextrose – humectant
Polyethylene glycol 8000 – antifoaming agent
Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids – emulsifier
Polyglycerol polyricinoleate – emulsifier
Polymethylsiloxane – antifoaming agent
Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate – emulsifier
Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate – emulsifier, stabilizer
Polyphosphates – mineral salt, emulsifier
Polysorbate 20 – emulsifier
Polysorbate 40 – emulsifier
Polysorbate 60 – emulsifier
Polysorbate 65 – emulsifier
Polysorbate 80 – emulsifier
Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone – color stabiliser
Pomegranate seeds (though some consider these a fruit, not a spice) –
Ponceau 4R – color (FDA: Ext D&C Red #8)
Ponceau 6R – color
Ponceau SX – color
Poppy seed –
Poppyseed oil – used for cooking, moisturizing skin, and in paints, varnishes and soaps.
Potassium acetates – preservative, acidity regulator
Potassium adipate – food acid
Potassium alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Potassium aluminium silicate – anti-caking agent
Potassium ascorbate – antioxidant (water-soluble)
Potassium benzoate – preservative
Potassium bicarbonate – mineral salt
Potassium bisulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Potassium bromate – flour treatment agent
Potassium carbonate – mineral salt
Potassium chloride – mineral salt
Potassium citrates – food acid
Potassium ferrocyanide – anti-caking agent
Potassium fumarate – food acid
Potassium gluconate – stabiliser
Potassium hydrogen sulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Potassium hydroxide – mineral salt
Potassium lactate – food acid
Potassium malate – food acid
Potassium metabisulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Potassium nitrate – preservative, color fixative
Potassium nitrite – preservative, color fixative
Potassium phosphates – mineral salt
Potassium propionate – preservative
Potassium salts of fatty acids – emulsifier, stabiliser, anti-caking agent
Potassium sodium tartrate – food acid
Potassium sorbate – preservative
Potassium sulfate – mineral salt, seasoning
Potassium sulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Potassium tartrates – food acid
Powdered Cellulose – anti-caking agent
Primrose (Primula) – candied flowers, tea
Processed Eucheuma seaweed – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Propane-1,2-diol alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Propionic acid – preservative
Propyl gallate – antioxidant
Propylene glycol – humectant
Propylene glycol alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids – emulsifier
Propylparaben (propyl para-hydroxybenzoate) – preservative
Pumpkin seed oil – a specialty cooking oil, produced in Austria and Slovenia. Doesn't tolerate high temperatures.
Pulegone –
Purslane –
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) –
Quatre épices –
Quillaia extract – humectant
Quinoa oil – similar in composition and use to corn oil[13]
Quinoline Yellow WS – color (yellow and orange) (FDA: D&C Yellow #10)
Ramtil oil – pressed from the seeds of the one of several species of genus Guizotia abyssinica (Niger pea) in India and Ethiopia. Used for both cooking and lighting.
Ras-el hanout –
Raspberry (leaves) –
Red 2G – color
Refined microcrystalline wax – glazing agent
Rhodoxanthin – color
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – color (yellow and orange)
Rice bran oil – suitable for high temperature cooking. Widely used in Asia.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) –
Rubixanthin – color
Saccharin – artificial sweetener
Safflower oil – a flavorless and colorless cooking oil.
Safflower –
Saffron – color
Saigon Cinnamon –
Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor or Poterium sanguisorba) –
Salt –
Sandalwood – color
Savory (Satureja hortensis, S. montana) –
Scarlet GN – color
Sesame oil – used as a cooking oil, and as a massage oil, particularly in India.
Sesame seed –
Shellac – glazing agent
Sichuan pepper (Xanthoxylum piperitum) –
Silicon dioxide – anti-caking agent
Silver – color (silver)
Luohanguo –
Sodium acetate – preservative, acidity regulator
Sodium adipate – food acid
Sodium alginate – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, gelling agent, emulsifier
Sodium aluminium phosphate – acidity regulator, emulsifier
Sodium aluminosilicate (sodium aluminium silicate) – anti-caking agent
Sodium ascorbate – antioxidant (water-soluble)
Sodium benzoate – preservative
Sodium bicarbonate – mineral salt
Sodium bisulfite (sodium hydrogen sulfite) – preservative, antioxidant
Sodium carbonate – mineral salt
Sodium carboxymethylcellulose – emulsifier
Sodium citrates – food acid
Sodium dehydroacetate – preservative
Sodium erythorbate – antioxidant
Sodium erythorbin – antioxidant
Sodium ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate – preservative
Sodium ferrocyanide – anti-caking agent
Sodium formate – preservative
Sodium fumarate – food acid
Sodium gluconate – stabiliser
Sodium hydrogen acetate – preservative, acidity regulator
Sodium hydroxide – mineral salt
Sodium lactate – food acid
Sodium malates – food acid
Sodium metabisulfite – preservative, antioxidant, bleaching agent
Sodium methyl para-hydroxybenzoate – preservative
Sodium nitrate – preservative, color fixative
Sodium nitrite – preservative, color fixative
Sodium orthophenyl phenol – preservative
Sodium propionate – preservative
Sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate – preservative
Sodium sorbate – preservative
Sodium stearoyl lactylate – emulsifier
Sodium succinates – acidity regulator, flavor enhancer
Sodium salts of fatty acids – emulsifier, stabiliser, anti-caking agent
Sodium sulfite – mineral salt, preservative, antioxidant
Sodium sulfite – preservative, antioxidant
Sodium tartrates – food acid
Sodium tetraborate – preservative
Sorbic acid – preservative
Sorbitan monolaurate – emulsifier
Sorbitan monooleate – emulsifier
Sorbitan monopalmitate – emulsifier
Sorbitan monostearate – emulsifier
Sorbitan tristearate – emulsifier
Sorbitol – humectant, emulsifier, sweetener
Sorbol –
Sorrel (Rumex spp.) –
Soybean oil – accounts for about half of worldwide edible oil production.
Spearmint oil – often used in flavoring mouthwash and chewing gum, among other applications.
Star anise –
Star anise oil – highly fragrant oil using in cooking. Also used in perfumery and soaps, has been used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, and skin creams.[14] 90% of the world's star anise crop is used in the manufacture of Tamiflu, a drug used to treat avian flu.
Starch sodium octenylsuccinate – thickener, vegetable gum
Stearic acid – anti-caking agent
Stearyl tartarate – emulsifier
Succinic acid – food acid
Sucralose – artificial sweetener
Sucroglycerides – emulsifier
Sucrose acetate isobutyrate – emulsifier, stabiliser
Sucrose esters of fatty acids – emulsifier
Sugar –
Sulfur dioxide – preservative, antioxidant
Sulfuric acid – acidity regulator
Sumac –
Sunflower oil – a common cooking oil, also used to make biodiesel.
Sunset Yellow FCF – color (yellow and orange) (FDA: FD&C Yellow #6)
Sweet basil –
Sweet woodruff –
Talc – anti-caking agent
Tamarind –
Tanacetum balsamita / Costmary –
Tandoori masala –
Tannins – color, emulsifier, stabiliser, thickener
Tansy –
Tara gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) –
Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids – emulsifier
Tartrazine – color (yellow and orange) (FDA: FD&C Yellow #5)
Tea oil/Camellia oil – widely used in southern China as a cooking oil. Also used in making soaps, hair oils and a variety of other products.
Tert-butylhydroquinone – antioxidant
Tetrahydrocannabinol- flavor enhancer, potent anti-carcinogen –
Thaumatin – flavor enhancer, artificial sweetener
Theine –
Thermally oxidised soya bean oil – emulsifier
Thiabendazole – preservative
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) –
Thiodipropionic acid – antioxidant
Thujaplicins – preservatives registered in Japan[15]
Thyme –
stannous chloride – color retention agent, antioxidant
Titanium dioxide – color (white)
Tocopherol (Vitamin E) –
Tocopherol concentrate (natural) – antioxidant
Tragacanth – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer, emulsifier
Triacetin – humectant
Triammonium citrate – food acid
Triethyl citrate – thickener, vegetable gum
Trimethylxanthine –
Triphosphates – mineral salt, emulsifier
Trisodium phosphate – mineral salt, antioxidant
Turmeric – color (yellow and orange)
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) –
Vegetable carbon – color (brown and black)
Vinegar –
Violaxanthin – color
Vitamin –
Vitamin A (Retinol) –
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) –
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) –
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) –
Vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxine) –
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) –
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) –
Vitamin D (Calciferol) –
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) –
Vitamin K (Potassium) –
Walnut oil – used for its flavor, also used by Renaissance painters in oil paints
Wasabi –
Water –
Wattleseed –
Xanthan gum – thickener, vegetable gum, stabilizer
Xylitol – humectant, stabiliser
Yellow 2G – color (yellow and orange)
Yucca extract –
Zeaxanthin – color
Zinc acetate – flavor enhancer

Aarti Industries Limited is engaged in manufacturing and dealing in specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The Company operates through two segments as Specialty Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. Its Specialty Chemicals segment serves polymer and additives; agrochemicals and intermediates; dyes, pigments, paints, and printing inks; pharma intermediates, and fuel additives, rubber chemicals, and resins markets. Its Pharmaceuticals segment serves active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates for innovators and generic companies. The Company is integrated across over 200 products. Its products include Benzene products, Toluene products, Sulphuric Acid products, and Other specialty chemicals.

Aarti Drugs Limited is an India-based company that is engaged in the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), pharma intermediates, specialty chemicals and formulations. The Company operates through pharmaceuticals segment. The Company's APIs products include ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, metronidazole, metformin HCL, ketoconazole and ofloxacin, among others. Its specialty chemicals products include benzene sulphonyl chloride and methyl nicotinate, among others. Its pharma intermediates products include tinidazole, celecoxib, ciprofloxacin, clopidogrel, diclofenac, ketoconazole, raloxifene and zolpidem. Its products under development include itraconazole, fluconazole, dabigatran, ticagrelor, sitagliptin and alpha lipoic acid. The Company's subsidiaries include Pinnacle Life Science Private Limited, Aarti Speciality Chemicals Limited and Pinnacle Chile SPA.

Aarti Pharmalabs Limited is a manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), pharmaceutical intermediates, new chemical entities (NCE), and xanthine derivatives situated in India. The Company delivers contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) services for drug substance/NCE development and manufacturing for pharmaceutical and biotech firms with a focus on the Ph-I/II/III, launch, and commercial phases. It has dedicated facilities for the production of corticosteroids, cytotoxic medicines, and oncology products. Its range of API products include Ramipril, Quinapril HCL, Budesonide, Bambuterol HCL, Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Cinacalcet and others. Its range of intermediate products include Abemaciclib Intermediate, Acalabrutinib Intermediate, Afatinib Intermediate, Apalutamide Intermediate, Azathioprine Intermediate, Bosutinib Intermediate and others. Its xanthine and allied products include theophylline anhydrous, aminophylline, etophylline, and theophylline.

Aarti Surfactants Limited is an India-based company. The Company is engaged in producing ionic and non-ionic surfactants and specialty products, serving home & personal Care, industrial applications, agro and oil industries. It operates through only one segment that is home and personal care ingredients. The Company’s market segments include Baby Care, oral care, hair care, home care, industrial application and skin and personal care. The Company’s product portfolio includes surfactants, mild surfactants, rheology modifiers, pearlizing agents, Ultraviolet (UV) filters, syndet and soap bases, and active ingredients, as well as conditioning agents, blends, proteins, and quats. It serves skin care, oral, hair, cosmetics, bath and shower, sun care, fabric/laundry care, dishwashing, toilet care, and surface care segments. It has two manufacturing units in Madhya Pradesh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Its subsidiary is Aarti HPC limited.

Laxmi Organic Industries Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the business of specialty chemicals. The Company manufactures ethyl acetate, acetic acid and diketene derivative products (DDP). Its business segments include Acetyl Intermediates and Speciality Intermediates. The Acetyl Intermediates segment produces a range of acetyl products, including Bulk Solvents and Aldehydes. The Company manufactures a range of Acetyl products, including bulk solvents and aldehydes. Its acetyl products have applications in diverse industries, such as pharmaceutical formulations, printing inks, adhesives, coatings. It is also a manufacturer of Speciality Intermediates, such as Ketene & Diketene derivatives, including Esters, Amides and Arylides. Its Speciality Intermediates has applications in pharmaceuticals, synthesis and manufacturing of agrochemicals, pigments, and others. It also offers custom synthesis of Diketene Derivative Chemicals and Crop and Life Science Intermediates.

The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Limited is engaged in manufacturing of complex fertilizers and ammonium sulfate. The Company's segments include Fertiliser, Petrochemical and Others. Its products include fertilizers, such as complex fertilizers, straight fertilizers, organic fertilizers, bio fertilizers, imported fertilizers and bagged gypsum; caprolactam, which is manufactured from raw materials, such as benzene, sulphur, ammonia and carbon-di-oxide, and by products, such as anhydrous ammonia, nitric acid (55%), soda ash (off grade), gypsum, sulphuric acid and oleum. Its Cochin division has production facility of over 485,000 tons-per-annum (TPA) of complex fertilizer, approximately 330,000 TPA of sulfuric acid and over 115,200 TPA of phosphoric acid. Its Udyogamandal Plants has an installed capacity of approximately 76,050 tons of nitrogen (N) and 29700 tons of Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5).

Atul Ltd is an India-based company, which is in the business of life science chemicals and performance, and other chemicals. It serves to various industries across the world, such as adhesives, agriculture, animal feed, automobile, composites, construction, cosmetic, defense, dyestuff, electrical and electronics, flavor, food, footwear, fragrance, glass, home care, horticulture, hospitality, paint and coatings, paper, personal care, pharmaceutical, plastic, polymer, rubber, soap and detergent, sport and leisure, textile, tire, and wind energy. It operates through three segments: Life Science Chemicals, Performance and Other Chemicals, and Others. Its Life Science Chemicals segment offers active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), API intermediates, fungicides and herbicides. Its Performance and Other Chemicals segment offers adhesion promoters, bulk chemicals, epoxy resins and hardeners, intermediates, and textile dyes. Its Others segment offers agribiotech, food products and services.

Indo Amines Limited is an India-based chemical manufacturing company. The Company manufactures organic and inorganic chemical compounds. The Company provides fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, performance chemicals, perfumery chemicals and active pharmaceuticals ingredients. Its fine chemicals include aliphatic animes, aromatic animes, aliphatic nitriles, aromatic nitriles, halides, alcohols, cycloalkanols, cycloalkanones, acids & esters, advanced intermediates, anime hydrochlorides, ethanolamines and others. Its specialty chemicals fatty acids, fatty amides, fatty amines, fatty Di-amines, fatty tertiary amines, fatty polyamines, fatty anime ethoxylates and fatty ammonium quats. Its performance chemicals anticaking agent, granulating aid, defoamers, anticaking cum coloring agent, curing aid for SSP, antistatic agent, antistripping agent, antifoaming agent for phosphoric acid plant, bitumen emulsifier, floatation agent, corrosion inhibitors, demulsifier, anti-bacterial and others.

Clean Science and Technology Limited is an India-based fine and specialty chemical manufacturing company. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing organic and inorganic chemicals. It operates through the Speciality Chemicals segment. Its specialty chemical chemistry is diversified into three segments, such as FMCG Chemical, Performance Chemicals, and Pharmaceutical Chemicals. Its FMCG chemicals include Anisole, 4-Methoxy Acetophenone, Guaiacol, Butylated Hydroxy Anisole, Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone, Ortho Methoxy Toluene, and L-Ascorbyl Palmitate, among others. Its performance chemicals include Clean Light Stab 770, 4-Hydroxy Tempo, Monomethyl Ether of Hydroquinone, 2,5-Di-Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone, Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone, Dimethyl Sebacate (DMS), and others. Its pharma and agro intermediates include Para Benzoquinone, Para Di-Methoxy Benzene (1,4-DMB), Ortho Methoxy Toluene, and others. The Company caters to both domestic and international markets.

Anupam Rasayan India Limited is engaged in the custom synthesis and manufacturing of specialty chemicals in India. The Company’s segments include Life Science Related Specialty Chemicals and Other Specialty Chemicals. It manufactures a variety of life science related specialty chemicals comprising products related to agrochemicals, personal care, and pharmaceuticals. The Company manufactures agro intermediates and agro active ingredients for the agrochemicals industry, which are used in the manufacture of, amongst others, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. For the personal care industry, it provides, amongst others, anti-bacterial and ultraviolet protection intermediates, and ingredients. In the pharmaceutical segment, the Company focuses on developing intermediates and key starting materials for active pharmaceutical ingredients. The Company’s other specialty chemicals are used in diverse end-user segments, comprising specialty pigments, specialty dyes and polymer additives.

Camlin Fine Sciences Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in research, development, manufacturing and marketing of specialty chemicals, ingredients, and additive blends. The Company is a provider of diverse advanced antioxidants and shelf-life extensions, aroma ingredients, performance chemical products and related solutions for food, animal nutrition, pet food, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries globally. Its products include TBHQ, Catechol, BHA, 4-Tertiary Butyl Catechol, Xtendra, Butylated Hydroxy Toluene, Guaiacol, Para DiMethoxy Benzene, NaSure, MEHQ, Ascorbyl Palmitate, and HQEE. The Company manufactures specialty chemicals that can be categorized into shelf-life solutions, performance chemicals, aroma ingredients and health and wellness. Its products are used in varied industries, such as human food, animal feed, pet food, agrochemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, flavors and fragrances and health care.

Navin Fluorine International Limited is an India-based company that is primarily focused on fluorine chemistry, which produces refrigeration gases, inorganic fluorides, specialty organofluorines. The Company operates through the Chemical Business segment. It has two geographical segments based upon the location of its customers, which include within India and outside India. It is the manufacturer of specialty fluorochemicals, which comprises synthetic cryolite, fluorocarbon gases, and hydrofluoric acid and other fluorine chemicals. It offers contract research and manufacturing services. The Company has anhydrous hydrofluoric and diluted hydrofluoric acid manufacturing capacities in India with a multi-product portfolio. It serves industries, including stainless steel, glass, oil and gas, abrasives, electronic products, and life and crop science, among others. The Company’s manufacturing facilities are located at Surat in Gujarat and Dewas in Madhya Pradesh.

PI Industries Limited is a holding company. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of agro chemicals. The Company operates through two segments: Agro chemicals, and Pharma. The Agro chemicals segment includes Agchem exports (CSM) and Domestic Agri Brands. The Pharma segment comprises contract research and development, contract development and manufacturing of active. It also includes materials and intermediates used in the pharmaceutical industry. The Company offers services, such as research and development services, CSM services, distribution services. The research and development services comprise target, discovery, molecule design, library synthesis, lead optimization, biological evaluation and route synthesis. It also provides Shield (fungicide) and Londax Power (rice herbicide) products. It offers services in areas, such as contract research, process development, analytical method development, process safety data generation and detailed process engineering.

Coromandel International Limited is engaged in the manufacturing and trading of farm inputs consisting of fertilizers, crop protection, specialty nutrients and organic compost. The Company's segments include Nutrient and other allied businesses, and Crop Protection. Its products and services include fertilizer, crop protection, specialty nutrients and organic. The Company’s fertilizers consist of nitrogen, phosphate, calcium and potassium in various grades and are available under various brands, such as GroShakti Plus, Grosmart, Paramfos, Gromor 15-15-15-09, Godavari Ultra DAP, Gromor / Godavari DAP, Gromor MOP and Gromor Urea. Its crop protection products consist of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and bio-products. It offers organic fertilizers derived from natural sources like city waste (organic portion only), sugarcane molasses and its by-products, oil cakes and gypsum. The Company operates a network of over 750 rural retail outlets across India.

SRF Limited is a chemical-based multi-business conglomerate company. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing of industrial and specialty intermediates. It operates through four segments: Technical textiles business (TTB), Chemicals business (CB), Packaging films business (PFB) and Others. Its TTB segment includes nylon tire cord fabric, belting fabric, polyester tire cord fabric and industrial yarns and its research and development. Its CB segment includes refrigerant gases, industrial chemicals, specialty chemicals, fluorochemicals and allied products, and its research and development. Its PFB segment includes polyester films and polypropylene films, such as biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) and biaxially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP). Its Others segment includes coated fabric, laminated fabric and other ancillary activities. Its technical textile plants are located in Manali, Gummidipoondi and Viralimalai in Tamil Nadu and Malanpur in Madhya Pradesh.

Vinati Organics Limited is an India-based company that is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing of specialty organic intermediaries and monomers. The Company's specialty aromatics include Iso Butyl Benzene (IBB), normal butylbenzene (NBB), secondary butyl benzene (SBB), Tertiary amyl benzene (TAB), 3-Phenylpentane, (1-ethylpropyl) benzene, (3-PP), and C 10 Aromatic Solvent. Its specialty monomers include 2-acrylamido 2-methylapropane sulphonic acid (ATBS), sodium salt of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulphonic acid (NAATBS), N-tertiary butyl acrylamide (TBA) and N-tertiary octyl acrylamide (TOA). Its butyl phenols include ortho tertiary butyl phenol (OTBP), PARA tertiary butyl phenol (PTBP), 2,4-DI tertiary butyl phenol (2,4-DTBP) and 2,6-DI tertiary butyl phenol (2,6-DTBP). Its specialty products other methyl 4-tertiary butyl benzoate (PTBMB), PARA tertiary butyl benzoic acid (PTBBA), isobutylene, methanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether (HP-MTBE) and tertiary-butylamine.

Deepak Nitrite Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in manufacturing, trading of chemicals. The Company operates through two segments: Advanced Intermediates and Phenolics. Its Advanced Intermediates segment offers sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, nitro toluidines, fuel additives, nitrosyl sulphuric acid, xylidines, oximes, cumidines, specialty agrochemicals, optical brightening agent (OBA), diamino stilbene disulfonic acid (DASDA). Its Phenolics segment offers cumene, phenol, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, ammonium sulfate (AMS). The Company's products cater to several industries, such as colorants, rubber chemicals, explosives, dyes, pigments, food colors, pharmaceuticals, diesel blending, agrochemicals, glass, personal care, paper, detergents and textiles, laminates, ply, adhesive, paints, auto, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and others. The Company's manufacturing facilities are located at Nandesari, Dahej (Gujarat), Roha, Taloja (Maharashtra) and Hyderabad (Telangana).

Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd is an India-based chemicals company engaged in manufacturing fluoropolymers, fluorospecialities, refrigerants and chemicals. The Company’s products categories include fluoropolymers, specialty fluorintermediates, refrigerant gases and commodity chemicals. It offers polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resins under the brand name INOFLON. Its fluoropolymers products include granular PTFE, fine powder PTFE and aqueous dispersion PTFE. Refrigerant gases manufacturer of HCFC 22 in India, and supplier for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and service worldwide. It also offers a range of applications, including HCFC 22, HFC 125, HCFC 32, HFC 134a, HFC 410a (blend of R 125 and R 32) and HFC 407c (Blend of R 125, R 32 and R 134a). The Company is a producer of industrial and essential chemicals for the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and plastic sectors.

Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing various aliphatic amines, amine derivatives and other specialty chemicals. The Company supplies amines and amine-based chemicals to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, rubber, chemical and water treatment industries. Its products include Methylamine, Ethylamine, Isopropylamine, Propylamines, Cyclohexylamines, Butylamines, Ethylhexylamines and Furfurylamine. Methylamines are used as ingredients in pharmaceuticals, insecticides, paint removers, surfactants, and rubber chemicals. Isopropylamines are used as ingredients in the life sciences and other specialty areas. Cyclohexylamines are used as ingredients in water treatment and specialty areas like artificial sweeteners. It exports its products to approximately 10 countries, including Philippines, United States of America, Israel, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Malaysia, and Middle East countries.

Balaji Amines Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of speciality chemicals, aliphatic amines, and derivatives. The Company is running a five-star hotel in Solapur, Maharashtra, namely Balaji Sarovar Premiere. It operates through three segments: Amines & Specialty Chemicals, Hotel Division and Other segments. Its amines products include MONOMETHYLAMINE (MMA), DIMETHYLAMINE (DMA), DIETHYLAMINE and TRIMETHYLAMINE. Its specialty chemicals include N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (NMP), Morpholine, 2-PYRROLIDONE (2-P), N-ETHYL-2-PYRROLIDONE, GAMMA-BUTYROLACTONE, ACETONITRILE (ACN) and DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE (DMF). Its derivatives include Di-Methyl Acetamide (DMAC), Di-Ethyl Amine Hydrochloride (DMA HCL), Tri-Ethyl Amine Hydrochloride (TEA HCL), Di-Ethyl Amine Hydrochloride (DEA HCL) and Tri-Methyl Amine Hydrochloride (TMA HCL). Its pharma excipients include POLY VINYL PYRROLIDONE(PVP-30) IP/BP/JP GRADE and POLY VINYL PYRROLIDONE(PVP-30)-TECHNICAL GRADE.

AksharChem (India) Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and export of dyes, pigments and precipitated silica. The Company specializes in manufacturing vinyl sulphone, H Acid and copper phthalocyanine (CPC) Green. The Company’s products include dye intermediates, which includes H Acid, Vinyl Sulphone (Acetanilide Base), Ortho Anicidine Vinyl Sulphone (OAVS), and Sulpho Para Vinyl Sulphone (Sulpho VS); dyes, which includes Reactive Blue 21 and Reactive Black 5; pigment, which includes Pigment Green 7 and Violet 23, and precipitated silica. The Company’s applications include textiles, paints, plastics, and Inks. The Company’s total manufacturing capacity is approximately 11,400 metric tons per annum (MTPA). The Company’s products are sold in India and exported across various countries, which includes Europe, Far East, Southeast Asia, China, and United States of America. The Company's plant is located at Mehsana, Gujarat.

Alkali Metals Ltd is engaged in the manufacture and sale of chemicals. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing of sodium metal. It manufactures a variety of products ranging from alkali metal derivatives, amino pyridines, tetrazoles, cyclic compounds and fine chemicals. It has diversified into the manufacturing of sodium derivatives, pyridine derivatives, fine chemicals, application programming interface (APIs), and others. It has three manufacturing units, at Uppal, Dommara Pochampally and JNPC Visakhapatnam. Its API products include Benzocaine, Fluconazole, Loperamide Hydrochloride, Phenylephrine Hydrochloride and Rabeprazole Sodium. Its 4-(Aminomethyl) Pyridine products include 3-(Aminomethyl) Pyridine and 4-(Aminomethyl) Pyridine. Acetylpyridine Compounds products include 2-Acetyl-4-Methylpyridine, 2-Acetylpyridine, 3-Acetyl Pyridine, 4-Acetylpyridine, N-6-Methyl-2-Pyridylacetamide and Other. It has presence in India, United States of America, Canada, Europe, and Japan.

Ambani Organics Limited is engaged in the business of textile paints, metal octoate, binders, emulsions in textile, and others. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing of chemicals, such as textile auxiliaries, acrylic polymers, binders, and paint dryers. Its product categories include organic peroxides, paint driers, accelerators, acrylic emulsion, and silver-ion disinfectants. It offers organic peroxides, such as RAA PRO TB 70. RAA PRO TMH 98, RAA PRO TBEC 117, RAA PRO DT98, RAA PRO PEH 98, RAA PRO PB 98, RAA PRO ME 6, RAA PRO ME 5 LWC, and others. Its paint driers include Cobalt Octoate 12%, Cobalt Octoate 10%, Cobalt Octoate 8%, and Cobalt Octoate 6%, among others. It offers accelerators, including RAA PRO ACLR CC 2, RAA PRO ACLR CC 3, RAA PRO ACLR CC 6, RAA PRO ACLR CC 10, and RAA PRO ACLR CC. Its acrylic emulsion products include AOPL C76, AOPL C400, AOPL EM50, AOPL MURA C55, and others. It serves various industries, such as paper, paint, textiles, adhesive, and others.

The Supreme Industries Limited is a plastic products manufacturing company. The Company operates through four segments: Plastics piping products, Industrial products, Packaging products, and Consumer products. Its products are designed and manufactured in various groups, including Plastic Piping System, Consumer Products, Industrial Products and Packaging Products. Its Plastic Piping System division offers various products, including unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes, injection molded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings and handmade fittings, high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe systems and others. Its Consumer Products division is engaged in furniture. Its Industrial Products division offers industrial components, material handling system and pallets-roto molded crates, pallets and garbage bins and composite liquefied petroleum gas cylinders. It has approximately 28 manufacturing facilities spread across the country, offers range of plastic products in India.

Solar Industries India Limited is an India-based integrated global explosives company. The Company is primarily involved in the manufacturing of complete range of industrial explosives and explosive initiating devices. Its segment is Explosives and its accessories. The Company's products include industrial explosives and defense. Its industrial explosives products include packaged emulsion explosives, bulk explosives and explosive initiating systems. It is a domestic manufacturer of bulk and cartridge explosives, detonators, detonating cords and components. The Company's defense products include high energy materials, such as HMX, RDX, TNT and their compounds; composite propellants for Pinaka, Akash, Brahmos, PSOMXL and Skyroot, among others; 30 mm ammunition, multi-mode hand grenade, mines, warheads, bund blasting device; artillery fuses, ASW fuses, Pyros and igniters; chaff payloads; loitering munition; rocket integration, and explosives filling of ammunition.

Tata Chemicals Limited is an India-based sustainable chemistry solutions company. The Company's segments include Basic Chemistry Products and Specialty Products. Basic Chemistry Products segment comprises inorganic chemicals, such as soda ash, salt and sodium bicarbonate. These inorganic chemicals service industries, such as glass (automotive, architectural and container), detergent, food, pharma, animal feed and industrial chemicals. It has manufacturing operations across four continents: North America (United States of America), Europe (United Kingdom), Africa (Kenya) and Asia (India). Specialty Products segment includes three products: specialty silica, prebiotics and Agri inputs. Its specialty silica range serves food, rubber and tire industry. Its prebiotics and formulations are targeted at food, animal feed and pharmaceutical applications. The Company's subsidiary, Rallis India Limited, produces and markets a range of Agri inputs including seeds for Indian and overseas farmers.

Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited is an India-based paint company. The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and supply of paints, varnishes, enamels or lacquers. It manufactures a diversified range of products ranging from decorative paints coatings for homes, offices, hospitals, and hotels to industrial coatings for various industries. It offers a portfolio of industrial coatings, which covers a range of automotive coatings, powder coatings, performance coatings liquid (covering both general industrial and high-performance coating), and auto refinish solutions. Its automotive coatings solutions include monocoat metallics, high mar resistant clear coats and super durable monocoats. Its performance coatings liquid solutions include zinc rich coatings, heat resistant coatings and floor coatings. Its powder coatings solutions include heat resistance powder rebar coatings and pipe coating powders. The Company's auto refinish solutions include putty-NC, polyester and body fillers.

Berger Paints India Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of paints. The Company offers products in categories, including interior wall coatings, exterior wall coatings, exterior textures, metal finishes, wood finishes, under coats, water proofing solutions. Its designer finishes include Silk GlamArt Metallica, Silk GlamArt Metallica for Designs, Silk GlamArt Non-Metallic, Silk GlamArt Stones and Tones, Silk GlamArt Stucco. Its interior emulsions include Silk Breathe Easy, Silk Glamor Matt, Silk Glow and Silk Glamor Soft Sheen. Its interior wall distempers include Bison Distemper. The Company's exterior emulsions include WeatherCoat Long Life 10, WeatherCoat Long Life 7, WeatherCoat Anti Dustt, WeatherCoat Long Life PU Tile Coat, and Never Miss Ceiling White. Its Sandila Plant is the manufacturing facility of the Company in India with capability to produce 33,000 MT per month, bulk of which is water-based paint.

Asian Paints Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling and distribution of paints, coatings, products related to home decor, bath fittings and providing related services. The Company operates through the Paints and Home Decor segment. The Company manufactures paints, varnishes, enamels, and thinners. It also manufactures organic and inorganic chemical compounds; metal sanitary ware such as bath, sinks, washbasins and similar articles and cosmetics and toiletries. Its Home Decor business offers modular kitchens and wardrobes, bath fittings and sanitaryware, decorative lightings, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) windows and doors, wall coverings, furniture, furnishing, and rugs. It offers a range of services, such as interior design service, safe painting service, wood solutions, waterproofing solutions, color consultancy online and contractor finder services.

Bayer CropScience Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in manufacturing, sale and distribution of insecticides, fungicides, herbicide and various other agrochemical products and corn seeds. The Company operates through Agri Care segment. It offers crop solutions for various crops, such as cotton, fruits, millet, mustard, pulses, rice, soybeans, sugar cane, vegetables, and wheat. The Company’s operations include three business areas: Crop Protection, Seeds & Traits and Digital Farming. Its Crop Protection portfolio comprises a wide range of chemical and biological pest management solutions. Its Seeds & Traits develops seeds and traits that provide farmers with new solutions. Its Digital Farming consist of modern farming method that uses technology to improve crop yield and efficiency while reducing waste and environmental impact. It offers various brands, such as Alion Plus, Movento Energy, Solomon, Lasenta, Xellano and Nativo.

Pidilite Industries Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in consumer and industrial specialty chemicals. The Company operates through two segments: Consumer & Bazaar (C&B) and Business to Business (B2B). C&B segment is engaged in the sale of products mainly to end consumers, which are retail users, such as carpenters, painters, plumbers, mechanics, households, students, offices and other. Its sales consist of mainly adhesives, sealants, art and craft materials and construction and paint chemicals. B2B segment is engaged in the sale of products to end customers, which are mainly large business users. This includes Industrial Products (IP), such as adhesives, synthetic resins, organic pigments, pigment preparations, construction chemicals (projects) and surfactants, and caters to various industries, such as packaging, textiles, paints, joineries, printing inks, paper, leather and other. Its subsidiaries include Tenax Pidilite India Pvt Ltd and Pidilite Adhesives Pvt Ltd.

Linde India Limited is an India-based industrial gases company. The Company operates through two segments: Gases and Related Products and Project Engineering Division (PED). The Gases and Related Products segment comprises pipeline gas supplies (Onsite) to industrial customers mainly in the primary steel, glass and chemical industries, and supply of liquefied gases through cryogenic tankers (Bulk) to cater to mid-size demands across a range of industrial sectors and compressed gas supply in cylinders (Packaged Gas) for meeting smaller demand for gases mainly across fabrication, manufacturing and construction industry. PED comprises the business of designing, supplying, installing and commissioning tonnage air separation units (ASU) of medium to large size, and projects relating to setting up of nitrogen plants, pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants and gas distribution systems. PED also manufactures cryogenic vessels for in-house use, as well as for sale to third-party customers.

Metals -----

Cosmo Ferrites Limited is a manufacturer and exporter of soft ferrites. The Company offers soft ferrites components and pre-calcined ferrites powder. Its products include EC Cores, EP Cores, PM Cores, EI Cores, I Cores, ETD Cores, U Cores, PQ Cores, RM Cores, POT Cores, PTS Cores, ROD Cores, Toroidal Cores, UT Cores, RM Cores, E Cores, PM Cores and Planar (EI, EE) Cores. Its products are used in various applications, such as lighting, including Electronic Ballast for energy management Lamps, such as compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) and Electronics Chokes for Tubular Lamps; power conditioning, including inverter transformers, welding transformers, switch mode power supplies, medical electronics, telecom power supplies; electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters/chokes/sensors, including EMI chokes and energy meters, and solar inverter. The Company exports its products to various countries, such as Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Israel, Turkey, and Malaysia.

Tube Investments of India Limited is an engineering company, which is engaged in manufacturing precision steel tubes and strips, automotive, industrial chains, car door frames and bicycles. Its divisions include Mobility, Engineering, Metal-Formed Products, and Others. The Mobility segment comprises standard bi-cycles, special bi-cycles, such as alloy bikes and specialty performance bikes, fitness equipment and three-wheeler electric vehicles. The Engineering segment comprises of cold rolled steel strips and precision steel tubes, such as cold drawn welded tubes and electric resistant welded tubes. The Metal Formed Products segment comprises of automotive chains fine blanked products, stamped products, roll-formed car doorframes and cold rolled formed sections for railway wagons and passenger coaches. The Other product segment includes industrial chains and other new businesses. It also owns X2Fuels and Energy Private Ltd, which is engaged in combustion research and development.


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