156.25 bits / 576.92 μsec : 1 Time Slot of GSM

1 Time Slot = 1 Burst
8 Time Slots = 1 TDMA Frame

Tail Bits-Encrypted Data Bits-Stealing Flag Bit-Tng. Sequence(Midamble)-Stealing Flag Bit-Encrypted Data Bits-Tail Bits-Guard Period
Image result for gsm frame

156.25 bits / 576.92 μsec : 1 Time Slot of GSM (Burst)
or 156.25 bits per 0.57692 millisec
or 156.25 bits per 0.00057692 sec

3 hrs. 28 min. 53.76 sec or 12533.76 sec

156.25*8*26*51*2048 = = 3394560000 bits

=> 3394560000/


3.4 Gigabits of data in almost 3.5 hrs.

270.83478 Kilobits of data in one second

GSM burst rate: 270 kbps

1 burst lasts for around half milli-second.

 576.92 μsec -----------------> 1 Burst
1000.00 μsec ----------------> ? Bursts

? = 1000.00/576.92
? = 1.73334258 Bursts or

less than 2 bursts per second
less than quarter-to-two bursts per second (<1.75 bursts/sec)

Around 2 bursts per second

1 bit duration around 3.7μsec

GSM physical and logical channel concept

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame

Image result for gsm frame




E-JIS: E-Journal Information Service
NCSI: National Centre for Science Information
IISC: Indian Institute of SCience
ERNET: Education and Research Network


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