techn. or techns. - technician(s)
er. or ers. - engineer(s)
ID or IDs - IDentification(s)
ifo - in front of
awa - as well as
gnd or GND: GrouND
doc or docs - document(s)
antt. - antenna
satt. - satellite
radn - radiation
COM or comm. - communication
com - commercial
info - information
∈ - element
⊂ - child of, part of, subset of (⊄, ⊇)
⊃ - parent of
∅ - null
∪ - union of, mingled together, meshed together, blended
∩ - intersection of, common area
mono- is greek for latin's uni-
poly- is greek for latin's multi-
di- is greek for latin's bi-
tetra- is greek for latin's quadri-
hemi- is greek for latin's semi-
hexa- is greek for latin's sexa-
hepta- is greek for latin's septa-
iso- is greek for latin's equi-
holo- is greek for english's whole
Α α Alpha a
Β β Beta b
Γ γ Gamma g
Δ δ Delta d
Ε ε Epsilon e
Ζ ζ Zeta z
Η η Eta h
Θ θ Theta th
Ι ι Iota i
Κ κ Kappa k
Λ λ Lambda l
Μ μ Mu m
Ν ν Nu n
Ξ ξ Xi x
Ο ο Omicron o
Π π Pi p
Ρ ρ Rho r
Σ σ Sigma s
Τ τ Tau t
Υ υ Upsilon u
Φ φ Phi ph
Χ χ Chi ch
Ψ ψ Psi ps
Ω ω Omega o
∝ - proportional
∞ - infinity
° - degree
℃ - degree centigrade
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