
Showing posts from October, 2017

The most unimportant things you'll never need to know about commercial computers of 1970s

Purposes of Commercial Computers of 1970s : 1. to process bulk organized data, for better comprehension (create, change, remove, re-organizing, display, and compute) 2. data were used to be mostly in the form of tables, for e.g., a census may have data of net persons in a specified region, count of people and languages they can speak, people and age, people and sex, other demographics, statistics of a citizen, a family, a household, a region, a district, a state or a nation Usually it has Demographics [population density, population size, sex ratio, sex ratio 0-6 yrs.] Education [Literates and Literacy rate] Residences [Residential, Non-Residential, Vacant, Occupied, Total] Household Size [1 person, 2 person, 3-5 persons, 6-8 persons, >9 person] Marital Status Source of Drinking Water [Tap, Well, Tubewell/Borewell/Handpump, Others ] Location of Drinking Water [In the premise, Near the premise, Away from premise] Source of Lightening [Electricity, Kerosene, LPG, Solar, ...